Celebration was in the air at this weekend’s LGBTQ Pride festival, but so was a cloud of politics.
Sandra Gail Lambert is a prominent author living in Gainesville who writes fiction, a memoir and many personal essays about her experience as a disabled lesbian activist.
Groups forming a statewide coalition around the issue in Miami, Orlando and Tampa also launched their own demonstrations at respective local DMVs.
Florida has announced that it will become what is believed to be the first state not to allow drivers to change the gender markers on their driver’s licenses, under any circumstances. The decision came from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, run by Dave Kerner, a political appointee of Gov. Ron DeSantis. It was announced in a memo last week asserting that a person’s gender “is determined by innate and immutable biological and genetic characteristics.”
Throughout his youth, Tolbert considered his hair one of his only feminine features. He, however, did not pine for this pinnacle of femininity. Every expedition to a hair salon made it evident that the gender he was perceived as did not mirror how he felt.
The Alachua County Library District has voted to permanently dissolve a committee designed to look into workplace and LGBTQ concerns. The committee was formed in August of last year in response to anonymous employee complaints, the committee was suspended on December 14th a few days before it was scheduled to have its first meeting.