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Community Update

To have your event included on Community Update, please send all relevant information to:

Sue Wagner
Community Update
P.O. Box 118405
Gainesville, FL 32611-8405

The e-mail address is swagner@wuft.org, with the words “Community Update” in the subject line.

Community Update and Public Service Announcements are available to non-profit organizations only. All submissions must be received TWO weeks prior to the event. Please include only the basic facts: who, what, where, when and why and a phone number or website address for more information.

Events will be included in this online listing and if time permits they will be featured in on-air public service announcements.

LaVern Porter-Mitchell Community Impact Celebration
Feb. 15 | Noon to 3 p.m.
TB McPherson Center
1717 SE 15th Street
Gainesville, FL 32641
1000 Voices of Florida will honor the legacy and memory of LaVern Porter-Mitchell, one of Gainesville's most celebrated community dance legends who taught all genres of dance to thousands of children and adults over a 50 year period. The public event will include dancing, singing, spoken word, vendors and tours of the LPM Mobile Museum.

2025 Tree Giveaway for Bradford County
Feb. 19 | 2 to 6 p.m.
UF/IFAS Extension Office
2266 North Temple Avenue
Trees can be a great way to enhance your property, provide shade, and even invite birds and other wildlife into your yard. If you want to learn more about the benefits of trees, get a free slash pine and info on tree planting, or just have fun with family activities. The event is sponsored by the Bradford Soil and Water Conservation District, UF/IFAS Extension Bradford County, and the Alligator Creek Garden Club. More information available at 904-966-6224.

Free Interactive Housing Seminar
Feb. 22 | 10 a.m. to Noon
Santa Fe College Blount Center
530 West University Ave.
Participants can embark on a journey to home ownership during this free seminar hosted by Neighborhood Housing and Development Corporation. This event is an experience designed to guide you through every step of owning your dream home. Upon arrival, you’ll receive your home ownership passport and walk the interactive road-like track, making stops to engage directly with industry experts. From mortgages to down payments, credit improvement to market insights, each station is packed with valuable information and tips tailored to help you succeed. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or ready to upgrade, this event is your chance to get insider knowledge, ask questions, and take actionable steps toward your future. More information available at 352-380-9119. Registration available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/journey-to-homeownership-housing-seminar-tickets-1131157284889?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl

Plowing Up the Past
March 1 | 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Dudley Farm Historic State Park
18730 W. Newberry Road
Come to the Dudley Farm and see how fields were plowed for the spring plantings. See different types of field plows and antique tractors. These antique tractors are a display of farming equipment and a way of life circa 1930s and 1940s, a reflection of rural American history. Observe as the participants work the land plowing and discing. More information available at 352-472-1142, sandra.cashes@dep.state.fl.us https://www.friendsofdudleyfarm.org/event-6045162

UF BME STEM Outreach Day
March 8 |10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Reitz Student Union
University of Florida
The UF Biomedical Engineering Department will host a STEM Outreach Day for students K-12. More information available at https://bme.ufl.edu/events/uf-biomedical-engineering-outreach-day/

Eligible taxpayers in Florida file for free with IRS Direct File
Through Oct. 2025

The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers in Florida they can file their taxes quickly, easily and for free directly with the agency using IRS Direct File. The web-based service, available in English and Spanish, offers guided help for preparing and filing a federal tax return from a smartphone, tablet or computer. Direct File does not replace existing filing options like tax professionals, IRS Free File, free return preparation sites, commercial software or authorized e-file providers. IRS customer service representatives staffing the Direct File support function can provide technical support and provide basic clarification of tax law related to the scope of Direct File. Questions related to issues other than Direct File will be routed to other IRS customer support, as appropriate. Although the deadline to file a 2024 tax return and pay any tax owed is April 15, 2025, Direct File will be open until Oct. 15, 2025, for people who may need additional time to file.

Viva Europe 2025
April 5 | 1 to 4 p.m.
Bo Diddley Plaza
Downtown Gainesville
The University of Florida Center for European Studies will host the vibrant annual cultural festival.

Tyler's Hope Cajun Crawfish Boil
April 26 | 2 to 6 pm.
Momentum Labs
Enjoy a day filled with Cajun style low country boil and gumbo, live music, a cornhole tournament and outdoor fun. Proceeds benefit Tyler's Hope for a Dystonia Cure. More information at https://www.tylershope.org/cajun-crawfish-boil.html.

Stop Children's Cancer 36th Annual Fantasy Event
April 26 | 5:30 to 10 p.m.
Reitz Union Grand Ballroom
686 Museum Road
"Breakfast at Tiffany's - An Evening Affair" is the theme of the annual fantasy fundraising event. The evening includes food, dancing and an auction. More information available at https://stopchildrenscancer.schoolauction.net/fantasyevent25.

Spring Hill Timebank
Timebank brings people together to match needs with skills. People of all ages and all abilities can join. For every hour of work done for a member, the individual will receive one time credit to “buy” an hours worth of work from another member. For more information contact Andy at 727-517-1148 or springhilltimeback.org.

Donate Used Musical Instruments to the Hernando Youth Orchestra
The Orchestra is collecting used musical instruments for talented young musicians who can’t afford to buy or replace their own. Donations of unneeded instruments will be repaired if necessary before passing it on to a student. Call 352-600-9555 for more information or to make a donation. We’ll pick up your instrument and give you a tax deductible receipt. More information

Nature Coast Community Services Foundation Homeless Services
The Nature Coast Community Services Foundation is serving the homeless of Hernando with food, clothing, shoes, job, IDs, food stamps, spaying and neutering pets, transportation and more. Volunteers are needed. For more information call Ellen at 352-600-9555.

Elder Options Referral Helpline
Elder Options is the Area Agency on Aging for sixteen counties in North Central Florida. The agency oversees the efficient administration of home and community care programs and long term care services for elder Floridians. In partnership with lead agencies and local service providers, the agency serves thousands of frail, low-income seniors each year, providing home delivered meals (Meals on Wheels), personal care, transportation and other in-home services that help seniors to remain at home safely and with dignity and avoid or delay the need for more expensive nursing home care. Call the Elder Helpline for referral to resources.

Hernando Youth Orchestra needs young musicians, ages 6 to 18
Rehearsals are on Sundays from 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Heather Community Center
9100 Nakoma Way
Weeki Watchee
Hernando Youth Orchestra has resumed rehearsals and is recruiting new members. We need young musicians aged ages 6-18, and adult mentors to support them. HYO plays classical music and gives several concerts throughout the year. You must be able to read music and play an instrument. Instruments are also available to loan to those in need. Sign up at www.HernandoYouthOrchestra.org or call 352-600-9555. If you have an instrument to donate, call and it will be picked for a tax deductible receipt.

Nature Coast Community Foundation (NCCSF) Bicycle Collection
Hernando County
Nature Coast Community Foundation (NCCSF) and Grace Presbyterian Bicycle Ministry is collecting unwanted bicycles (or parts thereof) that will be reconditioned and given to the needy. Call 352-600-9555 to schedule a free pick up.

WhyHunger Hotline
Need help finding healthy, free food in your community? Call the WhyHunger Hotline at 1-800-5-HUNGRY to be connected to food assistance in your neighborhood. You can also text your zip code to 1-800-548-6479 to get a list to your phone and search online at whyhunger.org/findfood.

Be the Hope A Child Needs, Become a Foster Parent
Partnership for Strong Families
North Central Florida
North Central Florida has an urgent need for foster care parents. If you would like to become a partner family to help a child or teenager call 352-244-1684 or find details online at www.PartnerFamily.org.

Books & Toiletries Needed for Homeless People
Unitarian Universalist Church in the Pines
Weeki Wachee
The church is collecting books and toiletries for People Helping People.The PHP book drive will provide books offering information on marketable skills and possible work opportunities. ‘How to’ and text books on subjects such as cooking, culinary sciences, computer/office skills, sales, and gardening/landscaping are especially appreciated. Toiletry items needed include: tooth brushes, razors, combs, soap, lotions, shave creams etc. Call 352-600-9555 for information or to schedule your donation.

Gainesville Peer Respite
Gainesville Peer Respite is launching “Warmline” for peers in need of emotional support. The phone line will be open Wednesday night through Monday mornings from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. The number is 352-559-4559. The phone line is staffed by those who have had their own experiences of trauma and mental illness.

Institute for Workforce Innovation
The Institute for Workforce Innovation (IWI) is dedicated to improving the communities’ quality of life through education, employment and advocacy. For more information or to volunteer call 352-225-3307 or online at www.iwionline.org

Savvy Caregiver Training
Elder Options, 100 NW 75th St., Suite 30, Gainesville
Elder Options in conjunction with the State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs offers free six week training programs designed for family caregivers who assist persons with Alzheimer’s and or dementia. More information available at 352-378-6649.

Operation PetSnip
Spay and neuter pet services available for qualifying low-income Alachua County and surrounding rural county residents. The cost of surgery, pain medication and anesthesia for pets spayed or neutered is covered. More information available from No More Homeless Pets’ Operation Petsnip at www.nmhp.net.

Gone 4 Ever Shredding
The Arc of Alachua County is a local not for profit that provides employment services to adults with developmental disabilities through several small business it has created. One of its businesses, Gone 4 Ever shredding, offers a free paper shredding service to all residents of Alachua County every Wednesday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. at its main location at 3303 NW 83rd Street. Gone 4 Ever shredding hold a AAA certification in document destruction so all paper is safely and securely destroyed. For more information please call 352-334-4060 ext. 132 or visit www.gone4evershredding.com

Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve – Supporting our Nation’s Service Members
Today, nearly half our nation’s fighting forces are members of the Guard and Reserve. When they are called is called to active duty, they leave behind a family, a community, and a job. Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, a Department of Defense agency, honors and products the bond between service members and their civilian employers. Whether serving our country or supporting those who do, we all serve. To learning more about ESGR, call 1-800-336-4590, or www.esgr.mil.

“Kidney Smart” Education Program
The “Kidney Smart” program educates and partners with people to take control of their health and helps them develop a plan to live a healthy life. The program features medication, diet and nutrition information, stresses the importance of choosing a heath care team, provides continuing education and treatment options. More information available at www.kidneysmart.org

Ronald McDonald House Charities NCF Seeks Long-Term Volunteers
Ronald McDonald House Charities of North Central Florida, a non-profit organization in Gainesville that assists families with children being treated at local medical facilities, is looking for long-term volunteers to serve as hosts for its two core programs: Ronald McDonald House and Ronald McDonald Family Room at Shands Hospital for Children. For more information, visit www.rmhcncf.org or call Dorie Faulkner, Volunteer Coordinator at 352-374-4404 ext. 224.

Visiting Chef Program, Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House Charities of North Central Florida, a non-profit organization in Gainesville that assists families with children being treated at local medical facilities, seeks volunteer groups or families to provide a full-course dinner or weekend-breakfast for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Gainesville. Chefs may come equipped with ingredients to serve approximately 50 people and cook in a spacious, well-stocked kitchen or they may cater a meal from a local restaurant. Meals are served 7 days a week, including holidays. For more information, contact Judy Bates at bates@rmhcncf.org or call 352-374-4404 ext. 299.

In the U.S., 19 people die each day waiting for an organ transplant—most of them for kidneys. MatchingDonors.com has become the most successful nonprofit organization improving those odds by finding living altruistic donors for patients who desperately need transplants. Visit www.matchingdonors.com and meet some extraordinary people.

Help a Kid Start a Lemonade Stand
The National Federation of Independent Business Young Entrepreneur Foundation, based in Washington, D.C., is urging parents to teach their children lessons about entrepreneurship and responsibility by helping them start a lemonade stand. They provide free classroom curriculum and other resources to enable students to learn first-hand about the risks and rewards of operating a small business. This curriculum can be found at http://eitccurriculum.com/. To learn more about the NFIB Young Entrepreneur Foundation, visit www.NFIB.com/YEF.

Adoption from Foster Care
There are currently more than 107,000 children available for adoption in the U.S. Foster Care System. The Adoption from Foster Care campaign encourages potential parents to adopt and aims to increase the number of potential families inquiring about adoption. You don’t have to be perfect to be a perfect parent.

Veterans Outreach Program, Epilepsy Foundation
The Epilepsy Foundation wants to help men and women who’ve suffered traumatic brain injuries or TBIs, which are a common form of injury that can lead to seizures and epilepsy in some cases. Symptoms can include confusion, momentary black-outs and uncontrollable shaking or twitching. For more information about the foundation’s Veterans Outreach Program and other services, visit www.epilepsyfoundation.org or call 1-800-332-1000.

Three Rivers Legal Services
Three Rivers Legal Services, Inc. is a local, non-profit corporation that provides free, quality civil legal services to low-income, eligible clients in seventeen counties throughout North Florida. Three Rivers is now providing representation to eligible clients who live in Alachua, Levy, Gilchrist, Bradford or Union County for family law cases, regardless of domestic violence. For more information, call the Legal Helpline at 866-256-8091.