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The Point, March 16, 2023: 400 pride flags placed in Micanopy before town election

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The stories near you

• WUFT News: 400 pride flags planted in Micanopy on town’s election day. "LGBTQ+ issues were not on the ballot in Micanopy, but they were certainly on the minds of voters as they elected two new town commissioners."

• WUFT News: Fahrenheit 352? What Alachua County educators are saying about book banning. "Even as national attention focuses on Florida’s and other states around controlling what books students can read, some Alachua County teachers haven’t faced any issues with book banning."

• Mainstreet Daily News: Proposed bill could change GRU ownership. "As Gainesville commissioners discuss restraining fiscal budgets, a proposed bill by state Rep. Chuck Clemons, R-District 22, would hand control of Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) to a five-person board appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis."

• WUFT News: High Springs Commissioners postpone talks on residents’ request to ban single-use plastic. "Supporters of the much-maligned plastic straw celebrated a victory last week after the High Springs City Commission postponed discussion on whether to ban the use of plastic straws and carry-out containers in all establishments in the city."

• WJCT-Jacksonville: Jacksonville approves $20 million for new UF campus. "City Council voted 16-1 on Tuesday to put the money toward a health and financial technology campus. The city intends to give the school $30 million more over the next three years."

•News4Jax: Controversial Narcan vending machines aim to reduce overdoses in Putnam County. "A health care facility that treats addiction and behavioral issues recently installed Narcan vending machines throughout several areas of Putnam County."

• WUFT News: Muralist transforms Gainesville Starbucks wall. "Complete with huge, juicy oranges, meandering butterflies and a splash of bright colors, the new Starbucks mural has touched not just the walls, but the hearts of the Gainesville community."

• Mainstreet Daily News: UF scientist takes aim at tuberculosis. "Dr. Luiz Pedro Carvalho is on a quest to find new medicines for treatment-resistant diseases, including tuberculosis, which is again the world’s deadliest infectious disease, after briefly falling behind COVID-19."

• WUFT News: Women discuss their journey working in professional sports across Florida. "There is no doubt that the sports industry has made progress since the early days of sports broadcasters Gayle Gardner and Robin Roberts. But there is still more work to be done to create a level playing field for women working in a male-dominated industry."

Today's sponsored message

Around the state

• WFSU-Tallahassee: Historians express 'horror' at Florida's HB 999. They say it threatens academic freedom. "The American Historical Association's Council issued a statement earlier this month urging lawmakers to oppose HB 999, which passed its first committee stop on Monday along party lines."

• WGCU-Fort Myers: Over 100 start march across Florida to protest modern slavery in the agricultural fields. "They are calling on retail food giants like Wendy’s, Publix and Kroger to join the Fair Food Program, a human-rights initiative that many of their competitors joined over a decade ago."

• WUSF-Tampa: These U.S. universities are offering New College students incentives to transfer. "Two northeastern universities have gone public with plans to recruit students from New College amid changes to move the liberal institution in a more conservative direction."

• WGCU-Fort Myers: South Florida's wading birds nested at near-record numbers. "Wading birds, long-considered sentinel species because the health of their populations track closely with the well-being of the environment they inhabit, nested throughout the Florida Everglades in vast numbers not seen since the 1930s."

• Florida Politics: Kathleen Passidomo says Senate won’t consider lowering minimum age to buy guns. "The Naples Republican made her position clear days after House Speaker Paul Renner said he wants to roll back restrictions in place since the 2018 Parkland shooting."

• WFSU-Tallahassee: Florida teacher union leaders and book authors are rallying together amid new state laws. "Hundreds of people turned out to downtown Tallahassee as Florida Education Association President Andrew Spar and partners gave out more than 25,000 books."

• Florida Politics: After suing influencers for copyright infringement, Disney has now banned them from theme parks. "Christopher Martin livestreamed getting banned from Disney World on his social media account, then used the videos as an advertisement to sell more items from his online store."

From NPR News

• Technology: The Biden administration demands that TikTok be sold, or risk a nationwide ban

• Politics: The truth is there's little the government can do about lies on cable

• Business: T-Mobile buys Ryan Reynolds' Mint Mobile in a $1.35 billion deal

• Health: Sickle cell patient's success with gene editing raises hopes and questions

• National: Only New Mexico lawmakers don't get paid for their time. That might change this year

• National: Press 1 for more anger: Americans are fed up with customer service

• Law: A lawsuit picks a bone with Buffalo Wild Wings: Are 'boneless wings' really wings?
Kristin Moorehead curated today's edition of The Point.

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