Nicole Segnini
Nicole is a reporter who can be contacted by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing
Miles protestan en una de las principales autopistas de Caracas, Venezuela. (Foto: Veronica Aponte) Durante 116 días, venezolanos han tomado las calles de…
Con flores, tributos, mensajes de aliento y lágrimas, miles de personas se reunieron este lunes en diversas ceremonias en Orlando para conmemorar las…
Gobernador de Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosselló, junto a su esposa Beatriz, acuden a las urnas a votar a favor de la estadidad. (foto: La Fortaleza)Los…
Election officials stress this attack went nowhere and would never have been able to compromise votes.
On Sunday, Puerto Ricans voted on a plebiscite to decide whether they wanted to become the 51st state of the United States. With roughly 23% of voter participation, the “statehood” option was chosen with 97% of the votes.
Marion County's new superintendent Heidi Maier has brought changes to the district this year including decreasing the number of required standardized tests and hiring 23 new school principals.
Heidi Maier ha estado transformando las escuelas del condado de Marion desde que tomó las riendas del distrito escolar en noviembre. En Abril, la…
El Norte Central de la Florida necesita de más lluvia para volver a los niveles de agua normales. Y es que los aguaceros de días recientes no han ayudado…
Alachua County is considering implementing an annual storm water assessment fee for unincorporated areas of the county. If imposed, the assessment will appear on homeowner's property tax bills in November.
Marion County issued a low water advisory to boaters last week. Without substantial rainfall, many waterways' water levels have decreased which can exposure obstacles and increase hazardous risks.