Laura Peavler
Laura is a reporter who can be contacted by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing
Last year, Marion County’s poverty rate was two percent higher than the state average.
While some principals are being reassigned to other schools or other jobs in the district, the rest have decided to retire.
Gainesville city commissioners are discussing a plan that would ban anyone who is cited for breaking the law in a city park from returning to the park for 90 days. The Parks and Recreation Committee will present the plan to the full city commission in April.
The Historic Seth Thomas clock in downtown Gainesville is finally being repaired after it stopped ticking on June 25.
Initial observations Friday indicated homeless people this year were older and frailer than years past.
Down Northeast 39th Ave., a golf course has been considered a nature sanctuary since the turn of the century. On Thursday, Ironwood Golf Course held onto that certification.