As a respiratory therapist, Alisha Berry knows firsthand the medical dangers e-cigarette and vape products have for kids.
Charles Jackson Jr. was one of more than 70 people who stepped into Gainesville High School’s media center with the hope of walking away with a…
https://youtu.be/Z1QQ7mjejEgOn Thursday, 50 students from middle schools across Alachua County competed in the sixth annual civics challenge at the…
Stephen Stanquist sits down each evening with his fifth grade daughter to do their respective homework at a cardboard table in their living room. The Oak…
The after-school supper and snack program in Alachua County began in 2014 at C. W. Norton Elementary and has since expanded to 33 more locations including elementary, middle and high schools – with three added in the past month.
Alachua County Public Schools began the 2019-20 academic year with 48 open instructional positions.
10 CAN Inc aims to help veterans and first responders identify activities, such as fishing, hunting or agriculture, to help them cope with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Alachua County Public Schools announced the three finalists for the 2017 Teacher of the Year program to represent the county in the statewide Teacher of the Year contest.
Lori Pirzer, band director at Oak View Middle School, was named Alachua County's 2016 Teacher of the Year Thursday night. Pirzer will go on to represent Alachua County in the statewide competition for Florida's 2017 Teacher of the Year.
The finalists are non-core subject teachers — a first.