WUFT asked candidates running for office across north central Florida a series of questions about their background and plans if elected.
Below, find the answers from Rusty Bailey, who is running for the Columbia County Commission District 3 seat.
Why did you decide to run for this office?
I want to improve opportunities for our citizens, spend tax dollars more efficiently and help the county prepare for the future. To create opportunities for the young, for families, for our veterans and our elderly community. I want to serve and invest in Columbia County's best future. I will maintain open lines of communication for the folks in my district. If I can't resolve an issue, I will do my best to help find and implement a resolution. I want to be the voice of action for residents in my district.
What are the three most pressing problems happening in your district or jurisdiction?
In District 3 we have have our share of issues, however, these three issues seem to be repeated consistently as I survey my neighbors here.
Limited opportunities for families as well as independent citizens to enjoy their spare time and our beautiful county. There is a lack of senior and Veteran inclusion too.
Tax relief through efficient spending and citizen-prioritized spending.
Lack of future insight for the use of aging infrastructure, inconsistently scheduled maintenance and minimal improvement.
Your suggested solution for the top problem:
I will actively search for funding from many different sources and put a priority on offering activities, opportunities and venues for our children, young adults, the aging and those who have served and are still serving our community. For all of the citizens to utilize. I will work to create or re-imagine "green spaces" that are currently present but not being utilized. I'll work with our local agencies/businesses resources and encourage them to invest in our community and its future; to be a part of the team.
By taking care of our priorities we will positively grow. We will be a county that people will want to be a part of.
Your suggested solution for problem two:
To help with the tax burden and create efficient , citizen-prioritized spending, I will institute opportunities for gathering input from the residents of District 3. I will schedule days and times to "Meet with your commissioner". These meet and share sessions will be offered at differing locations throughout the district to conveniently meet with anyone who wants to share input or gather info. In addition to the in-person meetings I will utilize multiple modes of communication. Social media outlets and the USPS will be utilized to keep the lines of communication open. The neighbors of District 3 will have the ability to actually talk to their commissioner. Folks will now have a real voice in how their tax dollars are spent. They will be encouraged to be stewards of their tax dollars and to see it used in the best interest of our community.
Your suggested solution for problem three:
Maintaining Infrastructure is paramount to the wellbeing and success of a community. The continuance of the "status quo" is not good enough. To "continue" with the mentality that "this is how we have always done it", is like driving a car with a "check engine light" that comes on every time you start it. Sooner or later you're going to have a serious and costly problem.
Instead of a temporary fix or just ignoring the problem, I will investigate a solution that not only fixes, but improves the situation. I will encourage solutions that take into consideration our future growth and plan accordingly. We have utilities that are continually needing to be repaired. They sometimes struggle to operate sufficiently enough to handle our current use rates. I will work to investigate options that may better suit our wallets and our future growth.
Our roads are in need of expanding. We need to be creating lanes for safe turn outs and additional turn lanes. We need to install traffic lights in many areas. Some of our roads need paving; I mean completely paved, not just a section. School traffic!!! we can do better to make our entrances and exits at schools convenient and safe for both those attending the school as well as the traffic passing through the area.
As the "Gateway to Florida", we must create a safe and welcoming "pit-stop" for our tourists. I will work to make sure our exits continue to be improved in a way to accommodate tourists and local traffic interests.
With your support, I will find best practices to storm proof our utilities for today, tomorrow and beyond. We will make our infrastructure "storm strong". Our roads will safely host everyone who travels into our community. I will help make our community be a better, and safer, place to call home.
Working together through open communication and education, citizens will be able to make the best decision for their needs.
I will put a priority on helping each neighbor take care of, protect, and enjoy their property.
If elected, what is the first part of your agenda you intend to accomplish?
I want to meet with my constituents to make sure I'm efficiently spending their monies on citizen-priorities; to help stretch their tax dollars.
I want to encourage recreational growth for our neighbors and families so that every member of my district has the opportunity to enjoy their community. I aim to promote this recreational growth in ways that would practice conservation for our future uses. I will help create opportunities for everyone to be an active part of and enjoy all our county has to offer. After school opportunities, after work opportunities, weekend opportunities too that are accessibility for young and old alike.
What else should voters know about you and your candidacy?
I'm a lifelong resident of Columbia County. After graduating from Columbia High School, I first continued my education through what was then called Lake City Community College (LCCC). I later followed by attending the University of North Florida in Jacksonville, Florida. Currently, and for the last 35 years, I've been a teacher in Columbia County. Throughout my career as a teacher I've worked with some of Columbia County's finest students and their families. We've shared many opportunities together like visiting our Nation's Capital, Washington D.C., various camp-outs, and extra curricular activities. I have had the opportunity to help coach archery, baseball, football, soccer and even had the chance to be an FFA advisor. It's true, when you love your job, you'll never "work" a day in your life. I've been truly blessed to serve my community all of these years.
My wife, Dr. Trish Bailey and I were blessed with a great family too. The late Hunter Bailey, CHS Grad c/o '22 Remington Bailey, who recently graduated from Full Sail University - Salutatorian c/o '24, and Tara Bailey - CHS Graduate c/o 2024 and attendee of FSU, Tallahassee.
I look forward to serving my community in an even larger capacity as County Commissioner for District 3. Serving students, young adults, families, veterans and our seniors as their voice for action for Columbia County.