Tobie Nell Perkins
Tobie Nell Perkins is a general assignment reporter for WUFT. She can be reached at or (352)294-6397
Public schools with failing grades will get another year to improve.
Sanford Orlando Kennel Club had planned to stay open until June. But now, in two short days, everything would be over.
Florida voters overwhelmingly voted to end greyhound racing with Amendment 13, which not only banned the sport, but made it constitutionally illegal. Arthur “Art” Marcoux, a greyhound trainer at Sanford Orland Kennel Club, has never known a life without greyhounds. They’ve been his paycheck for more than three decades – and so much more. They’re his pride.
At last week’s Florida Board of Education meeting in Lakeland, Marion County Superintendent Heidi Maier expressed that while she is proud of the progress Marion County public schools have made since 2016, she remains concerned about Evergreen Elementary, one of the remaining two D schools in Marion County.
In 2016, the Florida Gateway College became part of the Second Chance Pell Pilot Program. Now, three years later, 47 inmates walked at the first college graduation inside a Florida prison.
Greyhound racing has long been under scrutiny in Florida and, in November, nearly 70 percent of Floridians approved Amendment 13 which puts an end to greyhound racing in the state by the end of 2020.
In the face of antisemitic violence in the US, Tobie Perkins turns to her Jewish faith and the memory of her grandmother to persevere.