James Thieke
James is a reporter who can be contacted by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing news@wuft.org.
With the rising cost of utilities for Gainesville residents, some have taken to living without the aid of established utility companies.
The trial period is meant to see how the lane changes will affect traffic flow and safety. The city is monitoring driver, cyclist and pedestrian activity and will examine results once the trial concludes in late November.
At Charles W. Duval Elementary School in Gainesville, there was one teacher who stood out for her fun-loving teaching techniques.“The kids knew, when you…
Santa Fe College gained one of the largest geological collections in North Florida for its natural history exhibit. The exhibit contains petrified wood, dinosaur fossils, a 4.6 billion-year-old meteorite and other various minerals in over 24 glass display cases.
Ariana Agrios, 17, organized a campaign to sponsor a special screening of "Girl Rising" in Gainesville. The movie was created for the 10x10 act, which promotes education of girls worldwide.