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Ivey Young

Ivey is a reporter for WUFT News who can be reached by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing news@wuft.org.

  • Florida Gator fans already have a reason to love Tom Petty; the lyrics of his 1989 hit “I Won’t Back Down” echo through Ben Hill Griffin Stadium during every home football game. Now fans have more reason to love the late Gainesville native and rock icon after several donations to the community have been made in his honor. A gift of $25,000 was made to the Cade Museum on Petty’s behalf by his daughter, Adria Petty, in October. Jennifer Dempsey, the marketing manager for the Cade Museum, said the donation will go toward Operation Full Steam, an outreach program serving students in Title I schools in Alachua County.
  • Although investigators finally have a name to go with the remains of a man found more than 40 years ago, they have plenty of questions about how Ralph Tufano’s body ended up in the woods near High Springs. In the winter of 1979, James Prince, a Florida Division of Forestry employee, found a skeleton off County Road 236 in High Springs while conducting a controlled burn. Due to the limited technology at the time, the body remained nameless for decades as the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office continued the investigation to identify the victim.
  • The University of Florida has taken some of the first steps in its artificial intelligence (AI) initiative by creating an AI curriculum that is geared toward K-12 students and that offers AI classes to UF students, among other various measures.