Local labor union representatives gathered in front of Gainesville City Hall on Thursday to protest a bill that would allow Gov. Ron DeSantis to appoint an independent governing board for Gainesville Regional Utilities.
County officials on Tuesday voted unanimously in favor of awarding additional funding to the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office.This was made in response to…
Legislators in favor of Amendment 3 tout it as a lifeline for Floridians struggling in a volatile housing market, but those against it say the measure…
About 30 protestors from a coalition of progressive activist groups protested Gov. Ron DeSantis’ positions on abortion and LGBTQ rights as the governor spoke at an Alachua GOP fundraising event Thursday. DeSantis was a keynote speaker at the 20th annual Ronald Reagan Black Tie Blue Jeans fundraising event for the Alachua County Republican Executive Committee.
With less than six weeks before the start of the spring 2021 semester — and first large-scale in-person classes since the March 2020 lockdown — the University of Florida held its first in-person Board of Trustees meeting on Friday.
The protest held in front of Tigert Hall is among the string of complaints directed at UF’s administration.
Activists locally and nationwide must continue mobilizing, said speakers at the “Continue the Fight!” rally in Gainesville.
Activists have spent the past three weeks trying to urgently sway Gainesville city budget decisions.
The tables at the Free Sore were stocked with everything from toiletries to kid’s clothing, all donated from various sources.
Gainesville’s city charter review commission on Tuesday slowly started its year-long work.