WUFT asked candidates running for office across north central Florida a series of questions about their background and plans if elected.
Below, find the answers from Bobby McCallum, who is running to become the Levy County Sheriff 1.
Why did you decide to run for this office?
I have been the Sheriff for three terms and we have accomplished much. I still have the desire to serve our Levy County citizens. Our Sheriffs Office has made steady progress during my time as Sheriff and I plan on continuing that progress.
What are the three most pressing problems happening in your district or jurisdiction?
Like everywhere else drug addiction and the related crimes that come as a result are a significant problem.
Secondly, mental health continues to be a problem within our communities.
Third, the mere geographical size of our county (1416 sq. miles) and the growth in population and visitors makes it a challenge to have enough personnel. A related challenge is also making sure our students and staff are safe at all the schools spread out through this huge county.
Your suggested solution for the top problem:
We continue to do our best through our Drug Task Force to combat this problem. We have been very successful in arresting many of those trafficking in drugs , our main suppliers, and have received convictions sentencing some to as long as 18 years in prison. Our patrol deputies and K-9's have done a wonderful job with arrests and taking many drugs off the streets of Levy County. We also work to find avenues of help for those with addiction through our prosecutors , the courts and through private addiction programs and resources.
Your suggested solution for problem two:
Mental health is an issue throughout our society. We work with Mobile Response Teams and mental health professionals to assist those asking for and needing help. We also have Critical Incident Training , counseling programs, online training and Employee Assistance Program that offer 24/7 assistance to our employees after the traumatic events that they may be involved in on any given shift.
Your suggested solution for problem three:
We have improved greatly in this area as we have worked with our County Commission, the Legislature and the Governor to improve starting salaries for our Deputies and Detention Officers. During my time as President of the Florida Sheriffs Association I was fortunate to advocate for our county as a fiscally constrained county to have President of the Senate Wilton Simpson, Speaker of the House Chris Sprowls and Governor DeSantis recognize the need for improving the starting pay of deputies and detention officers in these counties. They agreed and now we are able to compete with our surrounding counties. As a result we are nearly 100% fully staffed and have the resources to protect our schools , citizens and our personnel with quicker response times and assistance .
If elected, what is the first part of your agenda you intend to accomplish?
For the first time in the history of the Levy County Sheriffs Office we became an accredited law enforcement agency this year. We were given that award and distinction on June 20th by the Commission on Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation . This was almost a two year effort that has resulted in us being recognized for our Standards, Policies and Procedures and our law enforcement operation and administration, making us one of only 45 Sheriffs Offices to receive that distinction. We want to continue those efforts to remain an accredited agency to insure our citizens are provided with the best law enforcement protection and assistance possible. We will continue this agenda because the accomplishment of this goal will allow us to serve our citizens with professionalism, integrity and compassion while holding me and my personnel accountable.
What else should voters know about you and your candidacy?
I have served 12 years as the Sheriff of Levy County having been returned to office without opposition my previous two terms. That in itself is historical for the Office of Sheriff in Levy County. I have worked for four different Sheriffs over my career. Three of those Sheriffs I served as their Chief Deputy or equivalent title. I have also served with the Florida Highway Patrol and as Executive Director of the Eighth Judicial Circuit State Attorneys Office. I have learned from all of these positions and experiences and have formed many valuable relationships and contacts that allow me to reach out to those contacts for advice. I am a graduate of the University of Florida and have a Masters Degree in Criminal Justice from Nova University. I have a dedicated staff of leaders and a wonderful group of men and women that serve our citizens every single day. I have been truly blessed to serve our citizens over the last 12 years as their Sheriff and I look forward to continuing to serve them as we move forward in these challenging times.