Michaela Beeda
Michaela is a reporter who can be contacted by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing news@wuft.org.
Donald Shepherd, one of Gainesville’s mayoral candidates in last month's city election, will likely not take his case to trial.
Jesse Terrell was found not guilty in his trial for the use of excessive force in the arrest of Derrick Price with a unanimous jury decision this afternoon in Senior U.S. District Judge William Terrell Hodges' courtroom at the U.S .District Courthouse in Ocala.
Two of the Marion County deputies involved in August 2014 beating of Derrick Price testified yesterday that they did not feel as if they were in danger or…
Charles Hollman, Terrell’s defense attorney, said he understood wanting to expand the radius of potential jurors.
Shepherd’s next court hearing will be held April 11.
The vote to transmit Plum Creek's Envision Alachua Sector plan to the state for further review will be held Tuesday. Three out of the five County Commissioners need to vote in favor to move the plan forward.
If you haven't yet become aware of the magnitude of the Plum Creek plan in eastern Alachua County, Robert Hutchinson offers this perspective."This is the…
Shepherd, a candidate for City of Gainesville mayor, pled not guilty this morning on a charge of grand theft auto. He was appointed a public defender.
In response to a Public Safety Committee meeting Monday afternoon, the Gainesville Police Department is reviewing and revising its policies about police dogs. GPD will make changes primarily to the way the dog's handler conducts police dog demonstrations when citizens are present.
The Alachua County Planning Commission recommended Thursday night the adoption of an amendment to the Envision Alachua Sector Plan/Comprehensive Plan.