Lauren Verno
Lauren is a reporter who can be contacted by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing
A suicide memorial garden was dedicated to those who have lost their lives to suicide and to the family members and friends left behind afterward. The garden, which has been in the designing and building process for over a decade, was finally opened on Thursday to the public.
Low water levels in Orange Lake are revealing weeds that are stopping boat traffic. A potential applied herbicide could kill the weeds at the surface level and below, however there is much debate about the proper removal.
The Florida Public Interest Research Group has launched a campaign to educate young adults about the upcoming health care legislation. Beginning in January, all Americans are required to have health insurance or they'll have to pay a fine.
Mann investigated many areas during his law enforcement career in North Central Florida. He's retiring from his position as the state attorney's chief investigator within the next week.
Santa Fe College is joining 22 other Florida state colleges in offering Gov. Rick Scott's $10,000 bachelor's degree program.
In less than two months, five pregnant women being sheltered in Arbor House will have to find a new place to live.
The health department created a new awareness plan, the Community Health Improvement Plan, to combat the low-ranking health statistics in Marion County.
Twelve schools throughout Florida have won the Healthy Schools program's Gold Award to honor its nutrition choices.
Gainesville's first urban farm is putting a charitable spin on the farm-to-table concept by donating locally grown vegetables to a Gainesville homeless shelter and soup kitchen.
On Wednesday, a new fire training facility opened at Loften High School. The new facility will provide more interaction between Alachua County Fire Rescue firefighters and students enrolled in Loften High's Fire and EMS Academy.