Emily Braun
Emily is a reporter who can be contacted by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing news@wuft.org.
Gainesville Police Department Capt. Brian Helmerson submitted his resignation yesterday to Police Chief Tony Jones. Helmerson faced termination in November after an internal investigation found he had violated the city's rule against sexual harassment.
The Alachua County Commission voted 4-1 to fund $12,000 to $15,000 worth of repairs for the current fairgrounds, much less than the proposed $1.2 million. If approved, the county plans to begin building a new fairgrounds facility as soon as January 2017.
Three separate proposals were submitted by Gainesville entrepreneurs with the hopes of being chosen to open their restaurant in Bo Diddley Community Plaza. The Gainesville Community Redevelopment Agency hopes to choose a new restaurant by the end of the year, according to Lynn Janoski, the city manager with the Gainesville CRA.
Several individuals in Gainesville have taken up the hobby of modifying scooters, one even for business ventures.
Microbeads, like the ones found in common toothpastes and facial products, are damaging the environment more than many people know. The particles in these beads can enter oceans and rivers, disrupting marine life and causing damage to the ecosystem.
Hand sanitizer is supposed to stop people from getting sick from the flu, but small children are becoming sick from drinking the stuff, which smells good and comes in bright colors that appeal to them.
(tiswango/Flickr) Lionfish continue to be one of Florida’s most invasive species, but organizations are creating methods to control their population.
At 11 a.m. on Tuesday, the city of Gainesville joined the collaborative effort to try to break the world record for conducting The World's Largest Swimming Lesson.