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State Funding Cuts Impact Hippodrome Theatre

State budgets that fund nonprofit arts organizations continue to sustain significant cuts. Gainesville's Hippodrome State Theatre is one organization that is affected by these cuts.

This year, the Hippodrome shares $26 million from the state budget with 300 other organizations. Next year, this shared amount could be reduced to five million.

Jessica Hurov, Hippodrome managing director, said that in past years the decreasing budget required the theater to reexamine expenditures like energy and focus on growing community support. Before 2007, 40 percent of the Hippodrome's expenses were funded by the state. This year, only six percent were.

You can support the Hippodrome financially on their website.

Leanna is a reporter who can be contacted by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing news@wuft.org.