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County mourns young firefighter, dead after self-inflicted gunshot

Alachua County Fire Rescue firefighter/paramedic Samuel Joel Fick died Tuesday, January 21, 2024. He was 23. (Alachua County Fire Rescue, via Facebook)
Alachua County Fire Rescue firefighter/paramedic Samuel Joel Fick died Tuesday, January 21, 2024. He was 23. (Alachua County Fire Rescue, via Facebook)

Editor’s note: This story includes the mention of suicide. If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, you can reach the national crisis hotline at 800-273-8255 or by dialing 988.

Correction appended: A previous version of this story misspelled the deceased name as Frick

A young firefighter working for Alachua County Fire Rescue has died at 23, drawing condolences for his family from friends and colleagues across northern Florida. His mother disclosed the cause of death as a self-inflicted gunshot.

Samuel Joel Fick of Gainesville had worked as a firefighter and paramedic since September 2023, his employer said, after starting his career as a cadet in the department’s firefighter youth program. He was hired in March 2020 and completed the paramedic program at Santa Fe College in fall 2023.

“Families suffer loss, and sometimes those losses are just too big to put into words,” the fire department said in a statement Wednesday announcing Fick’s death. “In those moments, we need to lean on each other for strength.”

Fick, who died Tuesday, was the pride of his family, and his younger sister, Darya, visited him frequently at the fire station, friends and family said. Fick’s mother, Marianne, posted a photograph on social media taken of her smiling children at the firehouse just days earlier.

Alachua County Fire Rescue firefighter/paramedic Samuel Joel Frick died Tuesday, January 21, 2024. He was 23. (Alachua County Fire Rescue, via Facebook)
Alachua County Fire Rescue firefighter/paramedic Samuel Joel Fick died Tuesday, January 21, 2024. He was 23. (Alachua County Fire Rescue, via Facebook)

The death announcement prompted an outpouring of supportive messages to his family from coworkers and colleagues from fire departments and sheriff’s offices. “We already and will forever miss him and his humor, bright smile, and friendship,” wrote Sara Powell, a rescue lieutenant in the department. “ I want you to know that he touched the lives of so many people.”

Another message from a colleague, firefighter Sam Henry, read, “Rest easy brother. Mental health matters. Thank you for everything you taught me since I started.”

“Mental health is not talked about enough and should be overtly addressed especially in this line of work,” read a message from another colleague, Mark Fowler, a flight paramedic for a Live Oak, Florida,-based air medical transportation program serving north-central Florida and southern Georgia.

Other coworkers described Fick’s easygoing, reassuring manner as he talked to elderly patients during emergencies and when he inflated surgical gloves to make balloon animals for children.

Marianne Fick wrote on social media that the fire chief notified her family Tuesday night that Fick had died from a self-inflicted gunshot. Police and county officials confirmed they were investigating whether it was accidental or intentional.

“We simply do not know at this time,” Fick’s mother wrote.

Marianne Fick did not immediately respond to telephone messages or texts asking to share more information about her son’s life and work.

If Fick’s cause of death were determined to be suicide, it would be another tragic such case among first-responders. At least 100 firefighters are estimated to die by suicide per year.

Academic studies show post-traumatic stress can increase suicide risk among firefighters, where rates of suicidal thoughts and behavior are higher than in the general population.

The fire department said funeral arrangements were pending.


This is a breaking news story. Check back for further developments. Contact WUFT News by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing news@wuft.org.

Vivienne is a reporter for WUFT News who can be reached by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing news@wuft.org.