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Uber driver arrested on sexual battery charge

(File photo/WUFT News)
Gainesville Police Department. (File photo)

Police have arrested a Gainesville Uber driver on a charge of sexual battery.

Julio Alberto Schlaefli, 50, of Gainesville, picked up the woman from downtown Gainesville on Sept. 28.

According to Gainesville Police Department Detective Desiree Russano, the woman had not used Uber often and had a friend set up the ride for her.

According to Russano, the friend canceled the Uber; however, the woman did not know the ride was canceled.

Schlaefli arrived at the location, called out the woman’s name and she got into the front seat of the car, according to a police report. Schlaefli then informed the woman the ride had been canceled but agreed to take the woman anyway, according to police.

Schlaefli said post-Miranda that he took the woman's decision to sit in the front as an invitation, according to police.

He turned off the Uber app, and because the ride was canceled, the car was not being tracked. Schlaefli is alleged to have sexually assaulted the victim during the approximately five-minute ride.

Kathy Gisela Arriola, 51, is Schlaefli’s wife. She said the full facts of the case have not come out.

“They force you so much to say things that you do not even know what you are saying,” said Arriola in Spanish.

Arriola also said the case would be detrimental to their family.

“He is not a criminal,” Arriola said in Spanish. “He is not someone who should be in jail.

Schlaefli has a DUI dating back to 2006 but otherwise has a clean criminal record.

Police are now asking other potential victims to come forward. Detective Russano also cautioned people using ride-sharing services to ride with others as a safety measure.

“It’s always better if you can ride with somebody else,” Detective Russano said. “And if you can possibly sit in the back seat to stay as far away as possible from people you don't know, that is something that I would recommend.”


This is a breaking news story. Check back for further developments. Contact WUFT News by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing news@wuft.org.

Gabriel is a reporter for WUFT News who can be reached by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing news@wuft.org.