Bailey LeFever
Bailey LeFever can be contacted by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing
When the landlord isn’t worried about the cost of utilities, renters pay.
Once Hawthorne Middle/High School in May earned a D rating on the state accountability report, school officials chose the option to try one last time to improve its score to a C. Another D or worse, and the school closes.
William Fears, charged with accessory to attempted murder after a shooting incident after Richard Spencer's Oct. 19 appearance at the University of Florida, will soon be extradited to Texas.
Once a bustling center of Alachua County's life, the town of Newnansville started declining in population after the Alachua County seat was relocated to Gainesville in 1854 and turned into a ghost town by the 1890s. Now it attracts history lovers from the county and reminds local residents and officials about the necessity to preserve the county's history.
Homecoming events have taken place all week on the University of Florida's campus, including the annual homecoming parade.
Across North Central Florida and the state, flooding, winds and knocked-down trees from Irma caused a great deal of crop and other damage to farms. And those in flood plains — like Crones’ Cradle in Marion County because of Orange Creek — were much more susceptible, especially in the days after because the water isn’t leaving.