Steve Linton used to see Gainesville residents bring their kids to swim in the shallow end of the Glen Springs pool.
Closed since 1970, the nearly 90-year-old murky pool surrounded by foliage may once again become a community landmark thanks to a group of locals.
Under the name Friends of Glen Springs, the group wants to swap ownership with the Elk Lodge social club to start the restoration process, said Friends member Jay Nordqvist.
“The Glen Springs is part of our history locally," said Nordqvist, an engineer and consultant. "We don't want to lose that. It was a recreational opportunity for many of the Gainesville citizens.”
Glen Springs closed in 1970 when chlorination and filtering became too expensive for the lodge, lodge secretary Linton said.
"There's no way we're going to be able to fix it and make it swimmable," he said.
The pool has been immortalized in song by rock singer and former Gainesville resident Tom Petty.
Friends received city commission approval to appraise the land.
"This gives us a wonderful opportunity to take something that once was a gem of the city and restore it,” Gainesville Mayor Ed Braddy said.