Lester and Anne Scaff had no idea their purchase of one small convenience store in 1961 would eventually grow to more than 50 stores.
And when they began raising money for the Children Miracle's Network in 1985, they didn't have a goal in mind.
During a luncheon in Lake City on Tuesday, the Scaffs presented a check for $1,028,164.97 to the Children's Miracle Network and Shands at UF on behalf of S&S Food Stores and its employees.
The luncheon also honored employees of the month and year, the stores who raised the most money in 2012 and employees who had passed away.
"We don't really even manage it. It's all the employees," Lester Scaff said.
Anne Scaff said she remembers years ago when they celebrated reaching the $7,000 mark in one year's time. In 2012 alone, S&S Food Stores raised $79,248.70, which put them past the one million dollar mark. Donations come from customers, and the stores post their names and donation amounts on pieces of paper around the store.
Scott Rivkees, Chairman of Pediatrics at Shands, accepted the check on behalf of the hospital and the organization. Rivkees said the money they were able to raise is phenomenal. "It really is huge for us," he said.
Keith Brown is the vice president of marketing at S&S Food Stores and has been with the company for more than 39 years. He said what really drove the fundraising was a combination of love of competition, personal history with the Children's Miracle Network and employee dedication.
The Scaffs said they plan to continue the fundraising.