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High Springs to add automated speeding cameras in school zone

High Springs Community School Zone (Jessica Nitti/WUFT News)
High Springs Community School Zone (Jessica Nitti/WUFT News)

The High Springs Police Department, led by Chief Antoine Sheppard, is introducing automated roadside cameras to enforce speed limits in school zones.

This decision comes after traffic studies indicated a persistent speeding problem despite the presence of police officers. The automated system will monitor vehicle speeds in both north and south directions and is designed to enhance the safety of over 1,000 students at High Springs Community School.

High Springs Community School Zone (Jessica Nitti/WUFT News)

Each recorded violation will be reviewed by the police before any fines are issued. The initiative will begin next school year and includes a 60-day community notification period, doubling the legal requirement.

The community has had mixed responses: Some residents are skeptical about the effectiveness of cameras in deterring speeding long-term, while others welcome the measure for the potential increase in safety.

Chief Sheppard says he is optimistic about the impact of this system and is encouraging an open dialogue and transparency with the public.

Kennedy is a reporter for WUFT News who can be reached by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing news@wuft.org.