Three newly elected county commissioners were sworn into office Tuesday morning in Gainesville. Commissioners Robert Hutchinson, Charles Chestnut IV and incumbent Mike Byerly each gave acceptance speeches.
"I thought, when I was first elected, that having a lot of ideas about how to change things was important and that I was a smart guy who could look at a problem and solve it with my own wit and everybody I talked to would be providing me with good and useful information," Hutchinson said.
"It took me a while, but with the guidance of many people and plenty of mistakes along the way, I eventually learned that the best thing a local elected official could do was to listen as long and and attentively as possible before deciding how an issue is dealt with," he said.
Chestnut said he plans to back initiatives to use the Alachua County's fairgrounds as a business park.
"I think it's important because it's a catalyst for job creation in our community, and it will improve the economy of Alachua County," Chestnut said.
He talked of the importance of restoring people's trust in local government.
Board members chose Byerly as commission chair and Commissioner Lee Pinkoson as vice chair.
Katherine Hahn wrote this story online.