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Freshman Roxana Bonachea gives a flier on quitting tobacco to a student. Volunteers and UF faculty and staff manned tables on campus for the Great American Smokeout on Nov. 20.
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Tobacco use is banned on the University of Florida campus. Volunteers and UF faculty and staff manned a tables on campus for the Great American Smokeout on Nov. 20.
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Freshman Anne Tolson speaks to a student during the Great American Smokeout. Volunteers spoke to students and UF employees about the programs available on campus for help quit smoking.
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Volunteers and UF faculty and staff manned a table at the UF Shands Atrium for the Great American Smokeout on Nov. 20.
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A volunteer hands out lip balm and information cards during Great American Smokeout on Thursday Nov. 20. Volunteers spoke to people on the UF campus to educate them about the programs available for aid in quitting tobacco use.
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Kathy L. Nichols, co-chair of the UF Tobacco-Free Task Force, briefs volunteers during the Great American Smokeout Nov. 20. Volunteers spoke to people on the UF campus about the programs available on campus for aid in quitting tobacco use.
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UF faculty, staff and students at the Shands at UF atrium hand out fliers during the Great American Smokeout on Thursday Nov. 20. Volunteers spoke to people on campus to educate them about the programs available for aid to quit smoking.
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Freshman Roxana Bonachea offers information about quitting tobacco to a student. Volunteers and UF faculty and staff manned a tables on campus for the Great American Smokeout on Nov. 20.
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Co-chair of the UF Tobacco-Free Task Force Jane Emmeree speaks to a student about the services available on campus to help him quit tobacco use. GatorWell at the UF offers the Quit Program to help students quit tobacco use.
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Freshman Anne Tolson is briefed before volunteering during the Great American Smokeout Nov. 20. Volunteers spoke to people on the UF campus about the programs available on campus for aid in quitting tobacco use.
Smoking. Chewing. Dipping.
Tobacco-Free Task Force and the University of Florida partnered to inform tobacco users the perils of the plant.
The daylong Great American Smokeout shared information and tools on how to quit tobacco use. Volunteers and UF faculty and staff handed out educational materials around campus about the services available to smokers at UF on Nov. 15.
The University of Florida Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program and GatorWell Health Promotion Services partnered with various organizations to provide free and discounted medication and counseling to help UF staff, faculty, students and their families quit using tobacco.
Kathy L. Nichols Associate, director of Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) manned a table in UF's Plaza of the Americas to inform people about the dangers of tobacco use.
"We're encouraging people to make a quit attempt, and we're going to be able to provide to them any of the services that they need to help them," Nichols said.
The American Cancer Society marks the third Thursday of November as the Great American Smokeout. On this day tobacco users are encouraged to not smoke for a day and make plans to quit and take steps toward a healthier life.