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Alachua County School Board fires superintendent Shane Andrew

Alachua County School District Superintendent Shane Andrew speaks in this frame grab from the Alachua County School District’s meeting Tuesday evening, Oct. 15, 2024. (Alachua County Public Schools via WUFT News)
Alachua County School District Superintendent Shane Andrew speaks in this frame grab from the Alachua County School District’s meeting Tuesday evening, Oct. 15, 2024. (Alachua County Public Schools via WUFT News)

The Alachua County School Board will pick an interim Superintendent on Monday after unexpectedly voting to dismiss Shane Andrew during a regular meeting Tuesday night.

The superintendent's annual evaluations were on the agenda, with board members giving two "effective" ratings, two "needs improvement" ratings, and one "unsatisfactory" rating

As each member briefly explained their evaluations, Board Member Kay Abbitt, who rated Andrew as "needs improvement," moved to terminate the superintendent effective Nov. 15.

After a 10-minute recess for board members to consider the motion, the board voted 3-2 in favor of terminating Andrew, with board members Tina Certain and Sarah Rockwell opposing the decision.

The board dismissed its previous superintendent, Carlee Simon, in a split vote in March 2022 and two weeks later appointed Andrew as interim superintendent, also through a split vote.

Board Chair Diyonne McGraw, wearing red, speaks in this frame grab from the Alachua County School District’s meeting Tuesday evening, Oct. 15, 2024. (Alachua County Public Schools via WUFT News)
Board Chair Diyonne McGraw, wearing red, speaks in this frame grab from the Alachua County School District’s meeting Tuesday evening, Oct. 15, 2024. (Alachua County Public Schools via WUFT News)

Andrew’s dismissal comes nine months after the board signed him to a contract to become the permanent superintendent.

Shane is the 6th person to hold the position in the past 10 years, with the longest term served being only three-and-a-half years. Since 1972, only one superintendent, Doug Mann, managed to keep the job for a full decade.

The only other superintendent to serve close to a decade on the job since 1972 is Dan Boyd, 83, a former Gainesville high school principal who served as superintendent from 2004 to 2013.

The board is made up of five people who are elected by the public to serve staggered, 4-year terms. Boyd said based on his experience, the public does not pay much attention to who gets elected to the board, and these newly elected members can be quick to make changes.

Board Chair Diyonne McGraw gestures in this frame grab from the Alachua County School District’s meeting Tuesday evening, Oct. 15, 2024. (Alachua County Public Schools via WUFT News)
Board Chair Diyonne McGraw gestures in this frame grab from the Alachua County School District’s meeting Tuesday evening, Oct. 15, 2024. (Alachua County Public Schools via WUFT News)

"Sometimes they come in, and they have a preconceived notion, and that's why you have as many superintendents as we've had in the last 11 years," Boyd said Wednesday in an interview with WUFT.

Boyd emphasized that he thinks Alachua County has great board members. However, given their significant power, he thinks the public needs to be more involved in school board elections.

"I think it's unfortunate for Alachua County that we have had so many superintendents because it's very tumultuous for the school staff in not knowing what the expectations are," Boyd said.

The special meeting to select an interim superintendent is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Monday.

Kiley is a reporter for WUFT News who can be reached by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing news@wuft.org.