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Four Putnam County Schools Close Permanently: The Final Day of Classes at Miller Middle School

To Tim Adams, Miller Middle School is home, but Thursday was the last day he’ll walk the halls as principal.

The last day students will play in the gym.

Miller Middle School in Crescent City closed its doors for the final time.

“I started here 21 years ago as a fourth grade classroom teacher myself, when It was an intermediate school. Over the years we’ve transitioned to it being a middle school. And I had a chance to come back home four years ago with our superintendent. He made an announcement that I was coming home to be the principal at Miller Middle School and that’s where I’ve been since,” Adams said.

The closure comes after a February decision from the Putnam County School Board to close four schools as part of a revitalization plan.

“We have met with a number of community members. We had a work group of community members that provided suggestions on how we might tweak this plan,” Superintendent Rick Surrency said.

Miller Middle School students will relocate to Crescent City High School, where Adams will be principal next year. The three other schools that closed Thursday were Jenkins Middle School, Mellon Elementary School and EH Miller School.

Anthony is a reporter for WUFT News who can be reached by calling 352-392-6397.