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Alachua County's Chairpersons Comment on 2020 Election

WRAP Alachua County Chair Reactions (online-audio-converter.com)

<i>Above: Democratic Chairwoman Cynthia Chestnut and Republican Chairman Ed Braddy commented on last night's 2020 Presidential election. (Jolena Esperto/WUFT News) </i>

The 2020 Presidential Election will impact people everywhere in this country, including in Alachua County.

Last night, Democratic and Republican county chairpersons commented on how the election will shape the country.

Democratic Party Chairwoman Cynthia Chestnut said her party stressed voting by mail. She believes most of her party did vote.

“People want a change. They want peace and harmony. They know that there will be differences, but we are all committed to working together,” she said.

Republican Party Chairman Ed Braddy said he believes that even though both parties urged their people to vote, his party probably had a better turnout.

“I feel that we probably got more of our people to the polls than they did, so that’s a good sign, I think. I’ve been following the state of Florida at least, and I think we certainly exceeded expectations here in Alachua county,” he said.

Chestnut said the Trump administration has ignored many significant issues in our country, while Braddy believes the administration has performed well over the last four years, and Trump is the only choice for the state of the economy.

“We’re going to have to come out of this pandemic and get back on our feet, so I certainly hope he wins reelection because I think he would be the best person available to help get this economy back on track,” Braddy said. In regards to Biden, Braddy said he does not believe his efforts will do America any good.

Chestnut said the American people are searching for unity, and that voters will come together to elect Biden, and they will understand and accept each other’s differences.

“I think that people are ready to come back together to unify and know that in a family, people don’t agree all the time, but they still remain committed to each other and the family,” she said.

Both chairpersons were actively awaiting unofficial results Tuesday night and were hopeful for the candidates of their party.

Jolena is a reporter for WUFT News who can be reached by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing news@wuft.org.