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Two UF Baseball Players Arrested For Trespassing Released From Jail

UPDATE, April 16, 9:10 a.m.: The charges against both Snead and Puk have been reduced to misdemeanor trespass offenses according to a press release from the state attorney.

"While the arrests were completely appropriate, the facts in this case do not fit the purpose of felony trespass but they do fit the ordinary misdemeanor version of trespass," State Attorney Bill Cervone said, "which is all about being where you are not supposed to be."

Both individuals are first offenders, so they are eligible for a diversionary disposition and will most likely have to pay a monetary fine and/or perform community service while in counseling for potential alcohol abuse issues, according to the release.

Original Post: Two pitchers for the University of Florida's baseball team arrested for trespassing on a construction site Sunday night were released on their own recognizance Tuesday morning.

At about 11:43 p.m. on Sunday, William "Kirby" Snead, 20, and Andrew Jacob "A.J." Puk, 19, were seen climbing a crane in the fenced-off construction site near the Chemistry Lab Building by a SNAP driver, according to the arrest report from the UF Police Department.

The construction site is completely fenced off. Snead and Puk got onto the site through a gap between where the fence meets the Chemistry Lab Building, according to the report. Police noted two "No Trespassing" signs near where the athletes entered.

Police also saw several other signs warning of danger and trespass charges if found on site.

According to UFPD, neither suspect showed signs of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. They were taken to the Alachua County Jail without incident Monday night and charged with criminal trespass.

John Hines, a University Athletics Association spokesperson, said the two players are suspended indefinitely from the baseball team.

Huntley Johnson, the players' lawyer, said the case is still developing. He added Snead and Puk had no prior charges or criminal history.

"This is a learning experience for the two young men," Johnson said.

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Kelly is a reporter who can be contacted by calling 352-392-6397 or emailing news@wuft.org.