Smoke continues to be a problem along US Highway 301 and NE 124th Ave. because of a one acre brush fire. Wildfire mitigation specialist Ludie Bond says driving in these conditions can be dangerous.
The fire, just south of the city of Waldo, began yesterday, and fire officials are posting smoke signs along the road to warn drivers. Bond says areas of State Roads 20 and 21 and the Badon Powell Road continue to experience smoke problems as well from the Olive Fire in Levy Prairie, even closing when conditions are too dense. She says fires like this continue to burn because of the amount of vegetation found in swamp or prairie areas.
The Honey Prairie Fire out of the Okefenokee Swamp has burned for about 9 months now, and Bond says it has burned for more than a year and a half before so this is not uncommon. She says there have been traffic accidents relating to the smoke and fog mixture around the Olive Fire, so drivers need to be very cautious or avoid the area entirely, if possible.