1200 Weimer Hall | P.O. Box 118405
Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 392-5551

A service of the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida.

© 2024 WUFT / Division of Media Properties
News and Public Media for North Central Florida
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If you prefer to phone in your pledge, you can do so at:

352-392-9838 (Gainesville) 1-800-338-9838 (Toll-free long distance)

You can see a list of current thank you gifts at wuft.org/fmgifts.

About WUFT Membership

WUFT-TV and WUFT-FM are not-for-profit public broadcasting stations with studios located in the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Division of Media Properties. WUFT depends on our community to pledge financial support to maintain and continue to provide quality programming to viewers and listeners in North Central Florida.

WUFT Member Services is available Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at members@wuft.org or by calling 352-392-5551.