<i>Florida Fire Service's Wildfire Mitigation Specialist Ludie Bond talking to reporters on Monday (photo by Jillian Baach)</i>
<i>Forestry officials at the fire scene on Paynes Prairie on Monday (photo by Chris Gilmore)</i>
<i>Forestry officials climb down wildlife corridor wall to get to the fire scene (photo by Chris Gilmore)</i>
<i>Forestry officials lay hoses through Paynes Prairie Boardwalk Fire (photo by Chris Gilmore)</i>
<i>Forestry officials transport water to the fire scene (photo by Chris Gilmore)</i>
<i>Sprinkler heads attached to hoses water the muck fire (photo by Jillian Baach)</i>
<i>Sprinkler system sprays water on fire pocket on Paynes Prairie (photo by Chris Gilmore)</i>
<i>Tankers from a variety of counties bring water to the scene of the fire on Paynes Prairie (photo by Jillian Baach)</i>
<i>Cars braking during dense smoke on I-75 on the night of the multi-vehicle accident (photo by Ronny Herrera)</i>
<i>Dense smoke on I-75 on the night of the multi-vehicle crash (photo by UF student Ronny Herrera)</i>