Santa Fe College extended a lucrative, five-year contract for its campus bookstore with Barnes & Noble without soliciting competitive bids, and it failed to verify that the company has been paying all commissions so far as required on bookstore sales, according to a new state audit.
The Alachua County branch of the NAACP and the United Church of Gainesville’s Racial Justice Task Force are sponsoring a town hall called “Understanding Racial Inequities: Where Are We Now?” at 4 p.m. in the Thelma Boltin Center, at 516 NE Second Ave.
For the first time, Santa Fe College was recognized by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs for being one of 26 baccalaureate/associate institutions in the nation to produce a Fulbright scholar.
The meeting of Santa Fe adjunct professors was part of an effort to unionize and advocate for higher wages and better working conditions.
Santa Fe College is planning to expand Blount Hall, a move that will also improve the current Center for Innovation and Economic Development. Santa Fe College President Jackson Sasser said this expansion could benefit small businesses all across Gainesville.
Santa Fe College is seeking to expand its technical programs into a $24 million Institute of Technology and Manufacturing on its main campus with funding help from House Bill 3441, which would provide $1 million to plan and design the institute.