United States Senator Marco Rubio was the keynote speaker for Florida Blue Key’s annual spring banquet Saturday night. Before the event, the Republican Senator for Florida addressed the 2012 budget proposed by Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan. Senator Rubio says he knows the plan will not pass, but says the reform is a step in the right direction.
“We’re gonna have to do something about our budget,” Rubio says. “We’re gonna have to do something if we want to save Medicare, if we want to save Medicaid, if we want our government to once again not continue to run on massive deficits and ultimately a huge debt that we, right now, can’t afford to pay back. The Ryan budget is a serious attempt to do that. There will be other ideas out there to do that. But ultimately, we have to do something.”
Senator Rubio adds the debate over government’s role in our society continues, and private citizens can make the biggest impact by voicing their opinions.