The Barenaked Ladies once sang about what someone would do if he or she had $1 million. What if someone were to win $500 million?
Wednesday's Powerball provides the opportunity. The jackpot was raised from $425 to $500 million on Tuesday because of increasing sales in the 42 states, District of Columbia and U.S. Virgin Islands where Powerball is played, according to USA Today. Enthusiasm in North Central Florida is growing as the drawing nears.
Powerball states the odds of selecting the six winning numbers are about one in 175 million. This does not seem to be impacting ticket sales, where places like Colorado are seeing a 92-percent increase in ticket sales since last week.
The drawing is scheduled for 10:59 p.m. on Wednesday. Gainesville's ABC affiliate WCJB will air the drawing.
Cassandra Vangellow wrote this story online.